Four-wheel and all-wheel drive vehicles are becoming very popular. While they have some practical advantages they do require different maintenance techniques. Your vehicle has to be ready to take on the challenges of your driving style or terrain in the area and in order to keep those service bills down and avoid any costly repairs it's important to be proactive. Here is everything you need to know about your four-wheel-drive truck as well as some of the things our technicians at Professional Fleet Maintenance in Ft. Lauderdale, FL check every time you visit our shop to ensure we take care of any issue you might have.
If you’re running a truck (or trucks) without an auxiliary oil cooler, it may be something you want to consider. Here’s some information on auxiliary oil coolers, what they are, and why they’re a great upgrade, from Professional Fleet Maintenance in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Without a working battery, your car will not be able to start. If you perform proper maintenance, however, an average car battery can start your car reliably for roughly four years. Your vehicle's radio and headlights, plus a slew of other important functions, are powered by an electrical current generated by your vehicle’s engine but a vital part of generating electricity is having a place to store it while it’s not being used, which is where a car battery comes into play. The battery holds electrical energy while a car is off in order to help the engine turn over and create a spark to start internal combustion. What you don't want is to have a bad battery!!
Your pickup truck is heavy and hard working, whether it’s a Chevy, Ford, or Dodge. If you add towing to the mix, it’s even heavier and has to work harder. Your brakes are one of the most wear and tear prone systems on your diesel pickup, but at Professional Fleet Maintenance in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, we can help you keep yours in good shape.
Are your fleet vehicles equipped with four-wheel or all-wheel drive? More and more, companies are moving towards vehicles equipped with one or the other - they’re safer and more useful, particularly in inclement weather or less than ideal conditions. If your fleet is powered by all four wheels, Professional Fleet Maintenance in Ft. Lauderdale, FL has you covered.
Obviously, the dirtier your fuel system is, the bigger the improvement you will see in performance and fuel economy after a fuel system cleaning. But it is important not to wait until your system is running poorly. If you do, by the time you get a cleaning, you’ve wasted hundreds of dollars in gas or even possibly damaged your fuel injectors and catalytic converter.
The condition of your transmission fluid can tell you a lot about the condition of the transmission itself. At Professional Fleet Maintenance in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, we want to help you be aware of what to look for and what we look for when servicing your transmission.
Don’t you hate it when potholes sneak up on you? There is a lot of money being spent on vehicle damage due to potholes. Do you know what parts of your car could receive the most damage? Professional Fleet Maintenance is the leader in Ft. Lauderdale, FL for the service and repair of automotive tires. We know the kind of damage that can be done, so if you suspect something is wrong with your car or truck, it’s always a good idea to stop by so we can take a quick look.