Whether you drive a Chevy, Ram, or Ford diesel pickup, your truck is a quality engineered machine. At Professional Fleet Maintenance in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, we honor that quality - not only in our service, but in the parts, we provide as well.
Currently, the future of electric vehicles looks promising - though it won’t likely replace your Duramax, Powerstroke, or Cummins engine any time soon. Still, we don’t know what the immediate future holds. This battle was waged once before in the past, with combustion engines taking the throne over electric power. Here’s a brief history of electric automobiles, from Professional Fleet Maintenance in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
At Professional Fleet Maintenance in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, we know replacing an entire engine can be a tough call to make - that’s why we’re here to help you make an expert decision on the matter.
When you think about diesel engines, you probably think about large trucks and machinery, and maybe a few oddball cars over the years. So how long has diesel really been around, and why is it used the way it is today? At Professional Fleet Maintenance in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, we have the answers.
At Professional Fleet Maintenance in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, we know your Ford, Chevrolet, or Dodge pickup was designed for optimal power, torque, and towing and hauling ability, no matter what the job is. We also know that while getting up to speed in a timely fashion is important, your diesel pickup’s ability to stop is equally essential.
Windshield wipers are one of those things that you never think about until you need them. From Professional Fleet Maintenance in Davie, here’s a reminder to keep yours in good shape, so you’re ready when weather strikes.
If you own or operate a fleet or commercial truck, you’re likely no stranger to dashboard warning lights. Increasingly, a common source of headache for many operators is the ABS, or Anti-lock Braking System light. Here’s what you need to know from Professional Fleet Maintenance in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.